January Newsletter, 2025

      You never know what will pop up on your email. The other day I had two,
from Uganda in Africa. No, no, not the kind where someone has died and you’re
the only heir and you’ve inherited a truck load of money! These were
complimentary and the result of the Rick McPherson RESTORATION Podcast that
is on Spotify. Half way around the world the message of God’s love, acceptance
and forgiveness was received via technology and hearing my voice, recorded in
my basement. Both individuals said they loved the Podcast and their family
members did, too. Amazing.
      Then, I was due for a new phone and went to the Verizon store. The young
man who helped me, asked, “So, what do you do?”
I said, “Well…I’m a logger, from Coos Bay, Oregon.”
We both chuckled, recalling the line from an old Ray Stevens’ song.
“No, really, what do you do?” He pressed.
“I direct a charitable; non-profit that helps people physically and spiritually. And,
I do a weekly Podcast on Spotify,” I said.
      The rest of the conversation included information about the Podcast and how
he could find it and listen to it and tell his Dad about it, who also happened to be
a car guy, and how he thought his Dad would like it, as well. End of conversation
and conclusion of phone transaction. Then, yesterday he called me and said,
“Hey, I’ve been listening to your Podcast and I really like it. It’s interesting. And, I
like the way you work in the ‘spiritual’ stuff.”
      I must admit when I started to do these Podcasts on Spotify and now, iHeart
radio, I had no idea that they would be so far-reaching. I was responding to a
mandate I felt the Lord gave me from Scripture, “…be witnesses…to the end of the
earth.” Acts 1:8 In “faith” I shared my directive with family and friends and
started. Now, the response is global, local and personal. People have been
praying, responding and supporting this ministry and I’m overwhelmed.

      As a way to say thank you and to remind you to continue praying for this
ministry we have several very cool, PRAYER STICKERS that we are offering to you.
You can stick them anywhere…laptop, water-bottle, refrigerator door, car
bumper, tool-box, ice-chest or mirror; anywhere! When you see the sticker it will
remind you to pray for this ministry…


      I’m also reminded that these stickers will be a tool that you can use to talk to
people about the restoration mission of Jesus Christ. He did come into the world
to save sinners, right? He is not willing that any should perish, right? You and I
are salt and light, right? It is possible to know Him, personally, right?
Many of you have helped us financially to enable this ministry. PNWO, Inc.
exists because of your generosity. Thank you! If you would like one of the new
PRAYER STICKERS, pictured here, please indicate your choice and use the reply
envelope or contact us on-line: www.pacificnwoutreach.org If you can chip in to
help defray the extra cost that would be great!
Now, I’m going to Verizon and talk to my friend, about…”spiritual” stuff.



November Newsletter, 2024

     Not long ago I taught a foundations class at a local church. I used the three principles of; love, acceptance and forgiveness. If you are a regular reader of these newsletters, you are not unfamiliar with these because they form the basis of everything we do in this ministry. All of them are action words. Each requires us to do something. Or, as my wife would say, “If you really love me, please, take out the garbage!” And, to coin a phrase, “Talk is cheap.” It was James who said, simply, “Faith without works is dead.” (2:26)

     I must admit, these principles motivate me to do this ministry. When I service the truck, fuel the truck, load the truck, drive the truck and deliver the truck to a Native American reservation it is fulfilling; and particularly at Christmas, when the contents of the load are toys, gifts and supplies. Dale Evans, said, “Christmas, my child, is love in action!” Now, that’s profound when you think, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…” (John 3:16) Christmas is the celebration of God’s gift to mankind, Jesus. God didn’t just talk about how much He loved us, He did something, and He took action and gave us His Son as the Savior of the world. Yes, love in action!

     With that in mind, our plans are set to receive toys and gifts and deliver them to the children and families at the Quinault Indian Nation, north of Aberdeen on the Pacific Coast. The nation includes descendants of the Quinault, Queets, Hoh, Quileute, Chehalis, Chinook and Cowlitz tribes. Additionally we will deliver Christmas goods and toys to the Celilo Indian Village, on the Columbia River in northeastern Wasco County. Most residents of Celilo are members of either the Yakama Nation or Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Some are members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, or the Nez Perce tribe.
What a joy to be a part of love in action!

     Additionally…let me say a huge THANK YOU! Your faithful and generous financial gifts enable us to do this ministry. And, your prayers are cherished. Thank you again and God bless you abundantly for partnering with us. Recently, we have received responses from across the country and even internationally. One man wrote from Uganda, Africa, saying, “Thank you for the great message. We love you here in Uganda, especially at our home.” Another said, “Thank you for your teaching.”

All of this is the result of technology and what the Lord said to me, two years ago; “…you shall be witnesses to me…to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8


Now That’s A Big Teddy Bear!

October Newsletter, 2024

    Call me childish if you will, but who can resist a giant teddy bear? When I saw it, I laughed out loud. “Okay!” I exclaimed. “That’s going to be the BEST gift, ever!” It thrilled the child that received it, and rightly so. Every year when I retrieve the Christmas gifts for the Native children, I always look for big teddy bears. I also look for bicycles, games, skate-boards, scooters and action figures. They’re all there and it warms my heart to load the truck, travel the miles and distribute toys and gifts to children on the Reservations for Christmas.

“What?” you say, “Christmas?” “Already?” Yes sir, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! Because, Christmas is all about giving. “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” Robin Sharma, author of: “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.”

    This year we’re planning to serve two Reservations in the Pacific Northwest; Quinault and Yakama. We’ve been selected again to receive toys from two local TV stations and a large tire distribution center. This enables us to bless countless families and their children, not only with toys and gifts, but also with grocery items, boots, clothing and household items that we add to the loads. It all provides a wonderful Christmas blessing to Native Americans.

    Would you like to be involved? Your financial gift, regardless of the amount, combined with others, enables us to do this ministry. None of us can do everything, but all of us can do something. Thank you for your generous support and for praying for this ministry. By the way, be sure and check out the newly revised and updated website: pacificnwoutreach.org. It features newsletters, pictures, articles and the media ministry that is now available on Spotify, Facebook, iHeart radio and Instagram. Our weekly Podcast: Rick McPherson RESTORATION is a, “witness…to the end of the earth” Acts 1:8, and is improving lives with the truth of God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness.


In our thoughts and prayers…
    The devastation of Hurricanes, Helene and Milton is catastrophic. Many fellow citizens are without water, electricity and communication. If you would like to help, may we suggest the following: American Red Cross, The Samaritan’s Purse and Convoy of Hope. These are all reputable and your donations will be used as you intended. Continue to pray for the families.

Prayer for Difficult Times

“Dear Lord, You know all that I am dealing with.

You know that there are things happening that are beyond my control.

Please help me to accept what I can’t change.

Help me turn my worry time to prayer time.

Please help me so these things don’t steal my joy.

Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You. I give You my stress.

I give You my disappointments.

I give You my frustrations and sadness and ask for Your peace.

May Your will be done.

In Jesus’ Name I pray.” ~selected



“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”Maya Angelou

September Newsletter, 2024

     Our recent outreach trip to the Celilo Indian Village was a great success, thanks to you!  Last month I described our intentions to provide back-packs for the children as they headed back to school.  Thirty-five was the total needed, including Texas Instruments calculators for the eight high school students.  Each had pencils, notebooks, highlighters, rulers, folders and pens included.  We even had a selection of red, black, olive green and navy colors, from which to choose.  In addition we were able to deliver half- a- truck load of fresh groceries, including: fruit, vegetables, eggs, bread, meat and pastries.  It was a bonanza load for the families who live on the Columbia River and the Yakama Reservation.  Our contacts, Fred and Karen Whitford were overwhelmed.  And what a joy it was to bless them, because of your generosity.

     The costs of the trip were outside our monthly budget, but we told you of the need and your response was very strong.  Even the fuel costs (which can give you a major headache these days every time you fill up) were covered.  So, thank you, sincerely, for your GENEROUS GIVING!  Be reminded that what we do is motivated by God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness.  The trips, the grocery boxes, boots, clothing, hats, gloves and yes, back-packs are all provided to show the heart of compassion and caring from our Heavenly Father.  St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times!  If necessary, use words.”  He also said, “For it is in giving that we receive.  Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing with you that you have received—only what you have given.”

     Understanding that, we load up the Peterbilt or the Ford E450 and head down the Interstate or through a mountain pass to reach a remote destination and deliver; “… the gospel to the poor…” (Luke 4:18) from the back of a truck!   And, if it wasn’t for your generous giving, the ministry could not be done.  Thank you!  


     At the bottom of this page you will see the various media links that are available (bottom right of the website) . When the Lord impressed on my heart to pursue this new venue, I was terrified.  I knew nothing about this world of technology.  What I did know was what He impressed on my heart from Acts 1:8 “…you shall be witnesses…to the end of the earth.”  Okay!  How?  

     In the old days of missiology, a candidate would go to language school for a couple of years, learn the culture, itinerate to raise support and then “go” to some location,”…to the end of the earth…” far, far away and leave family and friends; to  live and preach the gospel.  Many missionaries have done exactly this and many souls have been saved.  Thank God for the sacrifices that these dear people have made.  Only Heaven knows the results of their work.

     Now, technology enables me to sit in my basement and speak into a microphone and the gospel message is sent via computer podcast, “…to the end of the earth…”  Remarkable!  To date we have done thirty-five podcasts on Spotify and recently iHeart radio has picked up the program and is broadcasting it as well.  I am also able to do a regular video on Face Book.  Additionally, our ministry is seen on Instagram and our PNWO website.  The response has been very encouraging as viewers from across the country and literally around the world hear the Good News.  And it’s all possible because of generous giving from friends who supplied the computer and recording equipment for the podcasts, a gifted grandson who guides me through the technological world, and a loving wife who is patient with me…and you, for believing in this ministry.




August Newsletter, 2024 

Just after the Louisiana Purchase, President Thomas Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark expedition to cross the newly acquired western portion of the country. The Corps of Discovery was a select group of U.S. Army and civilian volunteers who went up the Missouri River across the Continental Divide eventually coming to the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean in 1805. Six months later they returned home after enduring one of the wettest winters ever at Fort Clatsop, Oregon. During their expedition they traded their horses to the Nez Perce Indians for burned out logs (canoes) which they used to reach the Pacific. Without the dams on the Columbia River the trip included treacherous waterfalls that required the Corps to portage the heavy canoes around what would have been certain death. One of the waterfalls was in Central Oregon at a village called, Celilo, on the Yakama Reservation. The Natives fished for Salmon in the Columbia River and were curious and friendly when they encountered the Corps. Thinking they would try to float over the falls the Natives lined up on the shores of the river to watch, “the crazy white men”, killed in the turbulent water. Miraculously none of the Corps were killed and the portage was successful.

When I drive the Peterbilt truck through the Gorge headed to Celilo I’m reminded of the history and the struggle that the Native Americans represent. For many years we have helped them with groceries, household supplies, boots and clothing. At Christmas we arrive with gifts and toys for the children. When it’s time for school we load up back-packs, calculators and groceries. And, it’s that time, again! Really?

Many of us are thinking yesterday was the 4th of July and now…back to school? Tomorrow will be Thanksgiving and Christmas and the New Year will arrive. I know it makes your head spin. “Time flies, when you’re having fun!” Speaking of which, let me invite you to join us, having fun, and blessing the children at Celilo Indian Village. We have purchased 35 backpacks, filled with school supplies, including Texas calculators for the 7 High School students. Pencils, pens, notebooks, paper, highlighters, rulers, folders and crayons fill each backpack for the elementary children. The backpacks come in various colors, including, black, red, navy and olive green. They are high quality and durable. If I was going back to school, I’d want one, for sure!
I know there are many of you who would like to participate in this great ministry and blessing. The schedule is set and this week I’ll be delivering, not only groceries, but the backpacks and supplies to the Native children. We’ve got that part covered, including the diesel fuel for the truck.

Here’s where we need your help. Please pray! Please give!

Each backpack costs $30.00 (X35=$1,050)
Each calculator costs $20.00 (X7=$140)

So, the total costs for the trip (not including diesel fuel) are $1,190
I know these are tough economic times, for everyone. But anything that you can do will make a big difference for us. Your generous giving enables us to do this ministry. THANK YOU FOR HELPING THESE KIDS GO BACK TO SCHOOL!

Now, I’m going to find my copy of UNDAUNTED COURAGE by Stephen Ambrose and read some more history about Lewis & Clark.



July Newsletter, 2024

I’ve never been in jail. If I had, I can’t imagine that I would be motivated to write a letter that was filled with encouragement and practical instruction on how to live in the midst of difficult times and people. But, Paul the Apostle pulls it off as he writes to his young friend, Timothy. In fact, he warns him with great details about what’s going to happen at the end of this age. As I read the letter it was as if current world and cultural events were being written in a parallel column.

Paul writes: “…realize this, that in the last days perilous (difficult) times will come. Men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these.” II Timothy 3:1-5

Currently, we are living in very dangerous days. Assassination attempts, wars and rumors of wars, nuclear armaments, unsecured borders, economic uncertainties, gender confusion, distribution and sales of illegal and deadly drugs, criticism of the nuclear family, moral and character failures, political and leadership confusion and unrelenting attacks on our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness: are now the daily news headlines.

Paul’s list is prophetic. We’re living in these days. We’re experiencing them. His predictions are true, just look around. But, there’s good news. In fact, there’s great news! God is still in control. He has not forsaken us, nor will He ever. The people of this world are still the object of His love and provision. His Word says, “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save it.” John 3:16-17
“Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful ….” John 14:27
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, and surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in our entire affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” II Corinthians 1:3-4
In times of trouble, God’s Word gives hope and comfort. Let me give you an example…
Brigadier General Robinson “Robbie” Risner was a fighter pilot in the USAF and a senior leader among U.S. prisoners of war during the Vietnam War. He tells that while imprisoned, they were not allowed to speak to other prisoners. But, they devised a plan of communication. While cleaning their latrine pots on a daily basis with a bristle brush they would scratch the metal using Morse code to send words of comfort and encouragement. What did they say? Football scores? Jokes? No, they signaled Bible verses to strengthen one another. God’s Word works, even conveyed via the bristles of a latrine brush!

War hero, Risner was an ace who flew 163 combat missions, was shot down twice and was credited with shooting down eight MIG-15s. At his death, Air Force Chief of Staff, General Mark Welsh III observed: “Robbie Risner was part of that legendary group who served in three wars, built an Air Force, and gave us an enduring example of courage and mission success. Today’s Airmen know we stand on the shoulders of giants. One of ‘em is 9 feet tall…and headed west in full afterburner.”



June Newsletter, 2024

The expression “Change is good” is a common saying that generally conveys the idea that change can bring about positive outcomes, personal growth and new opportunities. A friend of mine often says, “Change is good. You go first!”

All of us are creatures of habit. We have a sense of security, even safety, when we think about our daily routines. The thought of changing something, anything, often brings us to question it and even resist it. Why change?

Our habits are the results of our actions, which are the results of our decisions, which are the results of our thoughts. Our thoughts are the origins of our habits. Ultimately our habits form our character and then our destiny. So, to do something differently we have to think differently. And that brings me to the change of habit that has affected us in a positive way, with a couple of minor glitches. That’s right, we moved.

For the last ten years we have maintained the office for our Mission and ministry in beautiful downtown Gresham, Oregon. We were located upstairs in an historic building with access to Main Street, First Avenue and diagonally across from Jazzy Bagels on Powell Boulevard. However, times change. (There’s that word again.) A growing homeless population, criminal activity, including drug sales, burglaries, assaults and general neighborhood decline caused our Board of Directors to choose another location. In January of this year we officially relocated to our current address. The change required a lot of logistical challenges including forwarding our mail, which is vitally important to us because of the financial donations that are needed to fund this ministry. We contacted the Gresham Post Office and filled out all the necessary paperwork to forward our mail. However….call it Murphy’s Law or the aforementioned vandalism and theft issues that were rampant, the mail forward program was disastrous. Reply envelopes that should have been forwarded were returned. Some were stolen. Some were lost. For all the inconveniences that you experienced, we apologize! So sorry for the hassle. Now, we have printed our new address on the reply envelopes (included with this newsletter) and the problem should be solved.

For all your future correspondence, please note the NEW ADDRESS:

Pacific NW Outreach, Inc.
14801 NE 183rd Court
Brush Prairie, WA 98606

Phone (503)492-0904
What a joy to extend birthday blessings to my dear wife. She is such a significant part of this ministry and is the lovely lady that you talk to or email or text when you have questions or comments. This month we celebrated her special day with a wonderful lunch at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood. Our daughter, Dayna, joined us along with our yellow Labrador, “Chevy” who played in the snow for the first time, then slept in the Suburban while we ate in the iconic lodge. Happy Birthday, Char! “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Proverbs 31:29

L4 Injection!

Rick McPherson May Newsletter, 2024

After several painful weeks of waiting for the appointment, we were on our way down the Interstate to the specialists’ office. Typical to the late winter, early spring, the weather mimicked our moods, grey and ominous. But, following the Sunday afternoon visit to the ER, several weeks before, and the diagnosis of a pinched nerve in the L 4 vertebrae of Charlote’s back, we were determined to conclude the narcotic pain medicine that had brought a semblance of relief every few hours. The promised injection of an anti-inflammatory steroid into her spinal cord was offered with the possibility of relief in a couple of weeks.

After an agonizing SUV ride and wheel-chair experience through the building and up the elevator, we arrived. I was dismissed and was half-way through a bran muffin and medium latte in the lobby when my name was called and the procedure was done. “The doctor had trouble with the first attempt,” the nurse explained. “She struck some sort of mass, possibly arthritic, and had to use a secondary site to reach the L 4 location. But she was successful!”

We have since learned the L 4 – L 5 spinal motion segment, which also includes the intervertebral disc, joints, nerves and soft tissues, is located at the belt line. This segment is responsible for many functions, including, supporting the upper body, allowing the trunk motion in multiple directions, providing flexibility to the low back and is responsible for 95% of bending and twisting motions involving the waist. And, when it’s pinched, in lay terms, “It hurts, like crazy!”

Now, several months after the incident and medical procedure, Charlote is on the mend and doing much better. No more pain killers. No more narcotics. No more tears. Thank God! In a real sense we’ve experienced a RESTORATION in her body.

She’s not younger, but she is getting stronger and better and of course, more beautiful, every day!

In light of the fact that we launched this new ministry of RESTORATION as a sub-set of Pacific NW Outreach, Inc., it comes as no surprise that it would be challenged by the Adversary. We are committed to improving lives with the truth of God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness, the very opposite of the Enemy’s determination to kill, steal and destroy, you and your kids. Therefore the opposition to the new ministry is expected and true to His nature He fights dirty and attacks us and the people closest to us. Interestingly, since the launch of the Podcast, available weekly on Spotify, the program has been picked up by iHeart radio and we are very encouraged. Additionally, the Facebook videos, also a weekly feature, continue to draw responses, literally from around the world!

You know the, “push”, in my heart to start this ministry came from the narrative that instructed the original disciples, “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria and, even to the remotest part of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Your support of this outreach, with prayers and finances, is vitally important. Thank you for standing with us and joining me in this ministry. It’s my voice that is heard on evert Podcast and Facebook video, but you help make it possible and as long as I have breath, and He enables me with the power of His Holy Spirit, I will be His witness … confidently, contentedly and invitationally!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have half a bran muffin to finish.


The comeback kid

April Newsletter, 2024

All of us have known some great people in our lives. They’re honest. They’re
faithful. They’re solid. Perhaps they were neighbors, or co-workers, class-mates
or team-mates; just plain good folks. And, then out of nowhere, trouble strikes
and they get fired or get sick or go broke. Why? Why do bad things happen to
good people?

Well, let me tell you a story about a man who lived a long time ago, in a land, far,
far away. His name was Job and was described as; “blameless and upright, and
one who feared God and shunned evil.” He had seven sons and three daughters
and in addition to vast agricultural holdings and livestock was; “the greatest of all
the people of the East.” (Job 1:1-3) Substantial, don’t you think?

However, tough times came and Job lost everything. His health was gone. His
children were killed. His wife told him to; “Curse God and die!” His three best
friends came to comfort him but when they saw him they didn’t recognize him,
they wept, they tore their clothes, they sprinkled dust on his head…then they sat
on the ground for seven days and nights and didn’t say a word to him. Tough
times, indeed!

But there was something in Job that kept him. His faith! He said; “Naked I came
from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave and the
Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” “In all this Job did not sin
nor charge God with wrong.” (Job 1:21-22)

The rest of the story tells of Job and his friends’ discussions, who were intent on
discrediting God for His dealings with Job. At the end they take animals to
sacrifice and ask Job to pray for them, which he does. And, guess what happens?

“The Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord
gave Job twice as much as he had before…they ate food with him…they consoled
him and comforted him…each one gave him a piece of silver and each a ring of
gold. Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.” (Job

This is a comeback story. Job is the comeback kid! Job is restored. Remarkably,
Job has a double blessing of possessions, livestock and even ten more children. In
fact, his daughters were described as; “the most beautiful in all the land.” What a
tremendous account of God dealing generously and bountifully. The restoration
exceeded the original and extended to his children and grandchildren for four
generations. Wow, what a comeback!

For me it underlines the purposes of our Heavenly Father for each of us. He not
only wants to restore us to His original design, He wants to make us better.
I return to the Apostle Paul’s directive: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a
new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”
(II Corinthians 5:17)

Whatever your circumstances are today, remember, God loves you, accepts you
and forgives you. His provisions for you are greater than you will ever know. As it
is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of
man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
(I Corinthians 2:9)

Special Note:
For the past ten years, our computer printer has served us faithfully. But, it has
bit the dust! We have been scrambling and have purchased a refurbished unit.
Because of this technical issue we are behind in sending our monthly receipt
letters. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Again, thanks for praying for us and supporting this ministry. God bless you!


Rick McPherson March Newsletter, 2024

Restoration:  a restoration is when you bring something back to what it was.  A crumbling house that is lovingly-rebuilt in its original style, a king who was kicked off his throne only to get it back, an automobile that was rusted; abandoned and badly neglected that is rebuilt, refurbished and renewed to original or better condition.  All of these are examples of restoration.

When you think about it, the theme of restoration is found throughout the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.  The dictionary further defines restoration as:

“A bringing back to a former position or condition.”  The promise of restoration offers hope when all else seems to oppose it.  The point is that God loves to restore!  Consider Job…remember him? He was ruined financially, sick enough to scrape his boils with pieces of broken glass, and ultimately abandoned by his friends!  Someone suggested that he just, “curse God and die!”  But God had plans for Job and the restoration began!  Oh my!  The end of Job’s life was remarkable.  It was inspiring.  It was beautiful.  Read about it and you’ll be amazed.

All this brings me to my love of restoration, which I’ve enjoyed since my youth.  Cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats and other stuff have all received the “Rick Mac Touch.”  Some of the first attempts were pretty rough around the edges.  But eventually we achieved trophy-winning awards status and made friends throughout the automotive world.  I found myself talking to people who never dreamed of entering a church building or reading the Bible.  Never!  Yet, here I was talking to them at the drag strip, car show, motocross event or machine shop about life, values, meaning and … wait for it…a personal relationship with God who very much wanted to see them, yep, restored.  Then, I remembered that verse in Corinthians, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away…all things have become new.” (IICor.5:17)

These worlds merged together one night when the Lord reminded me of His promise to the original Disciples.  He told them to wait in Jerusalem. He said,

“You will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be WITNESSES… even to the remotest part of the earth.”  (Acts 1:8) 

The merger continued with me and my personal involvement. I wanted to say “NO!”  My age.  My health.  My ability.  My limitations.  All these came to mind as I wrestled with God.  Who starts an expanded ministry at 75?  Who starts making FaceBook videos and Podcasts and soliciting financial support when others are fishing, golfing and relaxing?  Who?  Well, you’re looking at him, now.  And, reading this newsletter.

The last phrase of the verse riveted the agreement for me…”even to the remotest part of the earth.”  How is that possible?  Technology!  From my desk in my basement with Podcast equipment already purchased and delivered by  loving generous friends in Texas, I can record and then send the Gospel message of God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness…around the world…to the remotest part of the earth.  I know in my heart and as God is my witness, “…the gifts and callings of God are without repentance… (irrevocable)”. (Romans 11:29)  He has enabled me as a writer and communicator and will honor His Word as I faithfully communicate it; now behind a Podcast microphone and a computer keyboard.

Will you help me?  I need friends like you to pray for me and support this ministry financially.  And, you’ll never know how hard it is for me to write that last sentence.  But, “you have not, because you ask not.” (James 4:2)

Thanks friends … and welcome to the ministry world of:

