June Newsletter, 2024

The expression “Change is good” is a common saying that generally conveys the idea that change can bring about positive outcomes, personal growth and new opportunities. A friend of mine often says, “Change is good. You go first!”

All of us are creatures of habit. We have a sense of security, even safety, when we think about our daily routines. The thought of changing something, anything, often brings us to question it and even resist it. Why change?

Our habits are the results of our actions, which are the results of our decisions, which are the results of our thoughts. Our thoughts are the origins of our habits. Ultimately our habits form our character and then our destiny. So, to do something differently we have to think differently. And that brings me to the change of habit that has affected us in a positive way, with a couple of minor glitches. That’s right, we moved.

For the last ten years we have maintained the office for our Mission and ministry in beautiful downtown Gresham, Oregon. We were located upstairs in an historic building with access to Main Street, First Avenue and diagonally across from Jazzy Bagels on Powell Boulevard. However, times change. (There’s that word again.) A growing homeless population, criminal activity, including drug sales, burglaries, assaults and general neighborhood decline caused our Board of Directors to choose another location. In January of this year we officially relocated to our current address. The change required a lot of logistical challenges including forwarding our mail, which is vitally important to us because of the financial donations that are needed to fund this ministry. We contacted the Gresham Post Office and filled out all the necessary paperwork to forward our mail. However….call it Murphy’s Law or the aforementioned vandalism and theft issues that were rampant, the mail forward program was disastrous. Reply envelopes that should have been forwarded were returned. Some were stolen. Some were lost. For all the inconveniences that you experienced, we apologize! So sorry for the hassle. Now, we have printed our new address on the reply envelopes (included with this newsletter) and the problem should be solved.

For all your future correspondence, please note the NEW ADDRESS:

Pacific NW Outreach, Inc.
14801 NE 183rd Court
Brush Prairie, WA 98606

Phone (503)492-0904
What a joy to extend birthday blessings to my dear wife. She is such a significant part of this ministry and is the lovely lady that you talk to or email or text when you have questions or comments. This month we celebrated her special day with a wonderful lunch at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood. Our daughter, Dayna, joined us along with our yellow Labrador, “Chevy” who played in the snow for the first time, then slept in the Suburban while we ate in the iconic lodge. Happy Birthday, Char! “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Proverbs 31:29