“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”Maya Angelou

September Newsletter, 2024

     Our recent outreach trip to the Celilo Indian Village was a great success, thanks to you!  Last month I described our intentions to provide back-packs for the children as they headed back to school.  Thirty-five was the total needed, including Texas Instruments calculators for the eight high school students.  Each had pencils, notebooks, highlighters, rulers, folders and pens included.  We even had a selection of red, black, olive green and navy colors, from which to choose.  In addition we were able to deliver half- a- truck load of fresh groceries, including: fruit, vegetables, eggs, bread, meat and pastries.  It was a bonanza load for the families who live on the Columbia River and the Yakama Reservation.  Our contacts, Fred and Karen Whitford were overwhelmed.  And what a joy it was to bless them, because of your generosity.

     The costs of the trip were outside our monthly budget, but we told you of the need and your response was very strong.  Even the fuel costs (which can give you a major headache these days every time you fill up) were covered.  So, thank you, sincerely, for your GENEROUS GIVING!  Be reminded that what we do is motivated by God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness.  The trips, the grocery boxes, boots, clothing, hats, gloves and yes, back-packs are all provided to show the heart of compassion and caring from our Heavenly Father.  St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times!  If necessary, use words.”  He also said, “For it is in giving that we receive.  Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing with you that you have received—only what you have given.”

     Understanding that, we load up the Peterbilt or the Ford E450 and head down the Interstate or through a mountain pass to reach a remote destination and deliver; “… the gospel to the poor…” (Luke 4:18) from the back of a truck!   And, if it wasn’t for your generous giving, the ministry could not be done.  Thank you!  


     At the bottom of this page you will see the various media links that are available (bottom right of the website) . When the Lord impressed on my heart to pursue this new venue, I was terrified.  I knew nothing about this world of technology.  What I did know was what He impressed on my heart from Acts 1:8 “…you shall be witnesses…to the end of the earth.”  Okay!  How?  

     In the old days of missiology, a candidate would go to language school for a couple of years, learn the culture, itinerate to raise support and then “go” to some location,”…to the end of the earth…” far, far away and leave family and friends; to  live and preach the gospel.  Many missionaries have done exactly this and many souls have been saved.  Thank God for the sacrifices that these dear people have made.  Only Heaven knows the results of their work.

     Now, technology enables me to sit in my basement and speak into a microphone and the gospel message is sent via computer podcast, “…to the end of the earth…”  Remarkable!  To date we have done thirty-five podcasts on Spotify and recently iHeart radio has picked up the program and is broadcasting it as well.  I am also able to do a regular video on Face Book.  Additionally, our ministry is seen on Instagram and our PNWO website.  The response has been very encouraging as viewers from across the country and literally around the world hear the Good News.  And it’s all possible because of generous giving from friends who supplied the computer and recording equipment for the podcasts, a gifted grandson who guides me through the technological world, and a loving wife who is patient with me…and you, for believing in this ministry.

