Thanks & Giving

November Newsletter, 2017  Rick McPherson

I was thinking about this newsletter driving home from the Nez Perce Reservation in Idaho.  The truckload of groceries, insulated children’s boots and household supplies was excellent and almost filled the pantry for Pastor Antonio and the N.A.M.E. church in Lapwai.  As we finished, we formed a big circle on the sidewalk and street and prayed a prayer of “Thanksgiving!”  I couldn’t help but think how appropriate it was, particularly at this time of year.  Another thought was, “not ashamed…”  We are not ashamed of the Gospel, the Light of Jesus, the Truth of His mission and the ministry that we do, helping one another.  We’ll tell the story of God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness to anyone, anywhere, anytime. 

It really is a privilege of mine to write to you each month and say, “Thanks for giving!”  And, during the month of November, what could be more appropriate?

Because of your giving throughout the year we are able to do this ministry and make a difference in the lives of Native Americans both physically and spiritually.  Although I say it a lot, let me say it again, you’re the greatest and every financial gift you send is greatly appreciated! 

It’s true, you can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving!  When you love someone or something, you want to give.  It’s a verb, an action that expresses your feelings.  In fact, it’s a theological principle.  The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave…”  John 3:16.  Aren’t you glad?  

As you gather with your family and friends during the holidays, be blessed and encouraged.  Eat well.  Sleep well.  Be well.  Know that you are loved and appreciated by all your friends and partners here at Pacific NW Outreach. 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to the kitchen for another slice of pumpkin pie!
