“Jesus Loves the Little Children”

March Newsletter, 2018  Rick McPherson

I was privileged to be raised in a Christian home.  As a child I remember attending Sunday School and singing songs like, “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”  The lyrics accurately portray the very heart of God towards us and counter the divisive and vicious racism and bigotry that attacks our world today.                                                 

Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world,

Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight,

Jesus loves the little children of the world.

The music was written by George Root in 1864 as a Civil War marching tune.  Later, the lyrics by Clare Woolston were added and children have been singing it ever since.  It certainly is appropriate as we present this month’s newsletter and show this picture of a precious Hispanic boy receiving a box of food from one of our recent missions’ trips. 

Although the winter weather affected us we were still able to provide for three separate locations in the last thirty days.  Trucks and trailers were loaded with groceries and household supplies and delivered to help families and children…red and yellow, black and white.

I’m reminded of how important children are to Jesus.  One passage in St. Matthew’s Gospel says it this way, “Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.  But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’  And He laid His hands on them…”  (19:13-15)

In another passage the disciples were arguing about status and prestige, asking Jesus, “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”  The Biblical narrative says that Jesus called a little child and set him in their midst and said,

“Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.  Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.  Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.” (St. Matthew 18:1-5)

While children come to Jesus readily, there is more hesitancy for adults to respond.  Grown-ups seem to lose the innocent faith and trusting nature that children possess.  Yet in this passage Jesus invites us to come to Him “like little children” and says “whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”                                                         

WHAT DO YOU THINK?  We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment.  God the Father sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment.   Jesus, the eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried and rose from the dead.   If you truly believe and trust in your heart, receiving Jesus as your Savior, you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

  1. Yes, today I am deciding to follow Jesus.
  2. Yes, I am already a follower of Jesus.
  3. I still have questions.

“Restoration Is a Good Word”

February Newsletter, 2018  Rick McPherson

I admit it.  I’m addicted.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve liked cars.  As a kid, I remember riding in my Dad’s Studebaker calling out the make, model and year of the cars around us.  Every September the automobile dealers would drape their showroom windows so no one could see the designs for the model year.  It was a big deal when you got to see one of the new cars!  Now, unfortunately, people refer to their vehicle by color.  “It’s the blue one over there!”

The addiction has not gotten better as I have gotten older.  I have accepted the fact that I have a condition without a cure.  Cars, trucks, motorcycles…anything with wheels and an engine that burns fossil fuel will interest me; particularly if the engine goes, “vroom!” 

Now don’t get me wrong.  I’m not complaining.  My malady has introduced me to some wonderful people and experiences.  There are mechanics, painters, fabricators, upholsterers, racers, promoters, hobbyists, pin-stripers, caterers and characters who are in my life and who have brought me great joy because of my disease.   I really should write a book and tell some of the hilarious stories.  So many of the memories have started with a simple suggestion to build or restore something.  “That’s a great idea,” was usually my response. 

Actually, restoration is a good word.  In a world where most folks just throw things away, “car guys” plan a project, they plan a restoration.    If you define the word, you learn:  the action of returning something to a former owner, place or condition.  Restoration is a process.  Restoration is a passion.  Restoration is a pleasure.  

Now let me tell you, there is a tremendous similarity between automotive restoration and what we do in ministry.  The fact is there are lots of people who are broken, worn out, used up and good-for-nothing.  The world says, “Throw ‘em away!”  The Native American culture that we serve is filled with people that are overlooked and forgotten.  They’ve been thrown away.    They are banged up, dented and the wheels have come off.  They are in need of a complete restoration.  They need to be overhauled.   That’s where we come in.

Our Chilton’s Repair Manual gives these directions…

“…if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”  II Corinthians 5:17

“…I make all things new …write, for these words are true and faithful.”   Revelation 21:5

“He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap…”  Psalm 113:7

The Good News is that the Master Restorer is still working.  His shop is open.  It’s always open…24/7/365.  No job is too big or too small.  He can handle any project.    Why not bring Him what you’ve got and ask about a complete restoration?   Remember, it’s a good word!


“Twenty Greateen!”

January Newsletter, 2018  Rick McPherson

I wish I had thought of it.  And, if I could remember where I saw it first and who said it, I would give credit.  But I can’t.  So I’ll just use it.   It’s the New Year and when I saw, “greateen,” it took me a minute to figure it out.  Oh, yeah, eighteen.  I get it.  Making it great is even better. 

Like me, you may have resolved to not resolve anything for the coming twelve months.  Just, let-er-fly and see what happens.  “Que sera sera,” right?  After all if it was good enough for Doris Day, it’s good enough for me.  The paradigm of “whatever will be, will be,” has captured many.  And today it’s been condensed to the sarcasm of, “whatever!”  Really?

After a good night’s sleep and the tedium of the Rose Parade, I’ve decided to start my year with a commitment to make it great, or at least as great as I can.  To do so, I have to constantly remind myself of the difference between what I can control and what I cannot.  Big difference!  Most of my heart-burn occurs when I confuse the two.  So I’m choosing to focus on the former and let the rest go.  My wife humorously condenses this thought by saying, “Not my circus…not my monkeys!” 

Here are a few thoughts about things that I can control and by focusing on them my new year should be great.  At least that’s the plan. 

 I can control my speech…

No one puts words in my mouth and makes me say them.  All the words that I say happen because I choose to say them.  Because of that,  I want to say words that will help, encourage, inspire, heal, comfort and bless.  I want my words to bring life and not death.  I want to do a great job of what I say.

I can control my time…

Well, most of the time, I can.  Life does upset our schedules on many occasions, and there’s nothing you can do about it.  But I have leisure time and recreation time and family time and I can control how I invest it.  My most precious commodity is time because I can only invest it once.  I want to do a great job of investing my time. 

 I can control my food…

My Mom used to say, “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”  Mom hasn’t seen my stomach, lately.  She used to also say, “You are what you eat.”  Mom was pretty smart!  But Mom’s not here anymore and I have to control what I put in my mouth.  It’s not someone else’s job, it’s mine.  I want to do a great job of what I eat.

 I can control my thoughts…

Jesse Penn Lewis wrote, “Your mind is not a playground, it’s a battleground.”   My thoughts are mine alone; no one is forcing me to think a certain way.  I have the ability to choose my thoughts and think thoughts that are;  positive or negative, helpful or hurtful, loving or cruel, spiritual or carnal, eternal or temporal.  I want to do a great job of controlling my thoughts. 

Well, that’s it for now.   All of us at Pacific NW Outreach wish you every blessing in the coming months.  Be blessed.  Be encouraged.  Be well.   



Blistering Hot or Freezing Cold

December Newsletter, 2017  Rick McPherson

On the other side of this page are the people that represent the ministry of Pacific NW Outreach, Inc.  It’s a wonderful group!  These are board members and staff that make the ministry happen every day and throughout the year.  Whether it’s blistering hot  or freezing cold with biting east winds, these folks are working hard to fulfill our mission.  All of us want to say a heart-felt “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” to each of you.  And, a big thank you for your generous giving and prayer support throughout the past twelve months.  Without you…this ministry could not survive!  But with you…we are able to continue and tell not only the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth, but also the love, acceptance and forgiveness that is the Gospel message. 

THANK YOU!  GOD BLESS YOU!  Only Heaven knows the results that have been achieved in the lives of Native Americans, because you cared!


For those of you who would like a receipt for your giving this year, please contact Charlote :  503 492 0904 or charlote@pacificnwoutreach.org

Because we are a 501 (c) (3) corporation, your giving is tax deductible.

Thanks & Giving

November Newsletter, 2017  Rick McPherson

I was thinking about this newsletter driving home from the Nez Perce Reservation in Idaho.  The truckload of groceries, insulated children’s boots and household supplies was excellent and almost filled the pantry for Pastor Antonio and the N.A.M.E. church in Lapwai.  As we finished, we formed a big circle on the sidewalk and street and prayed a prayer of “Thanksgiving!”  I couldn’t help but think how appropriate it was, particularly at this time of year.  Another thought was, “not ashamed…”  We are not ashamed of the Gospel, the Light of Jesus, the Truth of His mission and the ministry that we do, helping one another.  We’ll tell the story of God’s love, acceptance and forgiveness to anyone, anywhere, anytime. 

It really is a privilege of mine to write to you each month and say, “Thanks for giving!”  And, during the month of November, what could be more appropriate?

Because of your giving throughout the year we are able to do this ministry and make a difference in the lives of Native Americans both physically and spiritually.  Although I say it a lot, let me say it again, you’re the greatest and every financial gift you send is greatly appreciated! 

It’s true, you can give without loving, but you can’t love without giving!  When you love someone or something, you want to give.  It’s a verb, an action that expresses your feelings.  In fact, it’s a theological principle.  The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave…”  John 3:16.  Aren’t you glad?  

As you gather with your family and friends during the holidays, be blessed and encouraged.  Eat well.  Sleep well.  Be well.  Know that you are loved and appreciated by all your friends and partners here at Pacific NW Outreach. 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to the kitchen for another slice of pumpkin pie!


An Important Lesson from Cal and George

September Newsletter, 2017  Rick McPherson

The pastor* preached a very good sermon on Sunday.  It was about loyalty.  In his opening he stated that it is a virtue that is uncommon in our world and seems to have lost its importance. In this generation it’s rare that loyalty is shown to anything or anyone.   To illustrate the contrary,    he included Hall of Famers, Cal Ripken, Jr., of the Baltimore Orioles, and George Brett, of the Kansas City Royals both of whom played their entire Major League Baseball careers for the same franchises.  They demonstrated loyalty to their teams, their owners and management and their cities.   Even as a lifetime Boston Red Sox fan, I have to tip my cap to them both, not only for their incredibly successful careers, but also for the important characteristic of loyalty that they displayed.    What an important lesson from Cal and George. 

But the message didn’t end without a challenge.  There were four areas of loyalty that the pastor challenged us to examine in our lives.  Are you loyal to God… loyal to your spouse… loyal in your relationships… and finally, are you loyal in your service to God?  It was powerful.  Carefully, slowly and prayerfully, I worked through the list.  My personal review and results are too private to discuss here, but the last item on the list is not. 

When I think about loyalty in my service to God, there are a lot of obstacles.  Apathy, fatigue, resentment, boredom and loneliness are just a few of the things that come to mind.  These are in fact devices, which the Enemy uses effectively to keep me from fulfilling what God is asking.    One time the Apostle Paul was urging Believers in Corinth to, “reaffirm their love to God,” (II Cor. 2:11) and he reminded them to not let Satan take advantage of them, “for we are not ignorant of his devices.”  What?  Devices?  Like, what?  Well, anything that works.  Be smart enough to know what they are. 

Your list of obstacles may be completely different.  But, trust me, we all have them.  The truth is that the Enemy will do anything and everything he can to stop us in our service to God.  He hates loyalty, especially when it comes in our service to God.  His intention has not changed …he will kill …he will steal …and he will destroy.   He doesn’t want to just defeat us…he wants to destroy us. 

But here’s the good news.  “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (I John 4:4)   In sports vernacular it goes like this; “WE’RE NUMBER ONE!”

So today, would you take a moment and rethink your loyalty to serve God?  As I write, I know that many of you have displayed incredible loyalty to the ministry of Pacific NW Outreach, Inc. and the work of helping Native Americans both physically and spiritually.  God bless you for your loyalty.  If there was a Hall of Fame for loyal supporters, you’d be in it!  For others, the obstacles have been overwhelming and maybe you’ve been affected by his devices.  Let me encourage you to stand up, brush yourself off and get back in the game.  Loyalty is not quitting.  Loyalty is the tattoo that says, “UNSWERVING ALLEGIANCE.”

Thanks Cal!  Thanks George!  Not only are you enshrined in Cooperstown for consecutive games played, total base hits, home runs, Gold Glove awards, Silver Slugger awards and  All-Star Game appearances, but you have also shown us an incredible example of loyalty.  Now, I think I’ll head over to the batting cage and see if I can catch up to a 99 mph, “heater!”


*Pastor Larry Rounsley, Liberty Bible Church, Vancouver, WA

The Black Rubber Wristband

July – August Newsletter, 2017  Rick McPherson

The guy at the back of the church had a whole basket full. 

“Take one,” he said.  “They’re free!”

Never wanting to pass up a free anything, I did.  When I looked closely, I saw the words, “PRAY FIRST” were inscribed.  Now, that’s a good reminder for all of us, I thought.  I pulled the black, rubber, wristband over my hand and the directive started to sink in.   

Later, when I looked at the pictures from one of our recent trips to the Reservation, I thought of the wristband and the practice we have of always praying before our trips.  When the truck is loaded we gather staff members and form a prayer circle and commit the trip and ministry to the Lord in prayer.  We PRAY FIRST.  And, boy do we need it!

Since our last letter to you we have served two Pow Wows (Delta Park, Portland, OR and Wiconi International, Turner, OR) and two Reservations, (Celilo Indian Village, Yakama Tribe, The Dalles, OR and the Quinault Tribe, Lake Quinault, WA).

Each of the loads have been excellent!  Not only have we served Native Americans with canned goods and food supplies but also insulated leather boots, household supplies with linens, pillows, blankets and foam mattresses.  When the doors open and they see that the pallets contain cereal, cookies, cakes, chips and soft drinks, it’s hard for the recipients to not grin from ear to ear.  It’s a good thing when you hear, “Hey, look at this!”   

I want to remind you that none of this would be possible if it was not for people like you who contribute financial gifts to make this happen.   Really!  We could not do this ministry without help.  And, you have helped us.  In this life we may not know all the results, but Heaven’s books are accurate and the ledger doesn’t lie. 

Let me also include our great need for your prayer support.  Often in these newsletters I solicit your prayers and my requests are always sincere.  I learned a long time ago that nothing of spiritual significance occurs without preceding prayers.  Interestingly, one of the first requests from the disciples was, “Lord, teach us to pray.”  Not, preach, sing, lead, organize or evangelize…teach us to pray!  I don’t think prayer is any less significant now.  It’s what enables every ministry.  (Luke 11:1)

It may not be a black, rubber, wrist band that you’re wearing today to remind you, but nonetheless the instruction is clear for every situation… Family…School…Job…Decisions…Relationships…Activities…Church…and ministry to Native Americans!


Pow Wow

May – June Newsletter, 2017  Rick McPherson

“Pow Wows are the Native American people’s way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones.  This is a time method to renew Native American culture and preserve the rich heritage of American Indians.”   Pow Wows.com

It’s that time again.  The weather has warmed.  School is out.  Vacations are planned.  It’s summer!  For many of us, it couldn’t (and wouldn’t), come soon enough.  But it has arrived and we’re thankful.  With the changes we’re able to be mobile and travel to various Pow Wows across the country. 

One of the biggest in North America is held at Crow Agency, Montana.  We have been to Crow Fair many times and taken truckloads of groceries and supplies to Pastor Ken Pretty-On-Top and the Crow Nation.  Followers of this ministry have seen pictures of hundreds of Native people lined up to receive boxes of food and boots, too!  Closer to home is the Nez Perce Pow Wow held at Lapwai, Idaho with Pastor Antonio Smith and the Native American Missionary Evangelical Church.   In our own backyard is the Delta Park Pow Wow in Portland, Oregon and the Wiconi International Pow Wow held each July in Turner, Oregon.   Each of these Pow Wows is an opportunity for Pacific NW Outreach to participate and provide much needed supplies to encourage and enable the resident Pastors and Tribal leaders that we support.  It’s what we do.  It’s our mission.  It’s our commission. 

Our marching orders have not changed.  The Lord Jesus has told us…

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…baptizing them…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…”  St. Matthew 28: 19-20

He also said…

“I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me…Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” 

St. Matthew 25:35-40

With financial help and prayerful support from people like you, we are able to do this ministry and help a nation of people that are essentially forgotten in our world.  However, they’re not forgotten by God, us or you.  For that, I’m very grateful! 



Spring Has Sprung

April Newsletter, 2017  Rick McPherson

To say that, “this was the winter that would not end,” would be an understatement. The first week of December we received our first snow storm and it was a “doozy.”  My wife and I left the office early that day to get ahead of the traffic, but it didn’t work.  We got home at 10:00 PM after a seven hour commute!  For weeks and then months following, we had snow and ice storms that just wouldn’t stop.  Interstate and local highway closures were common and the kids wondered if they would ever go back to school.  So did the parents!  When the temperatures warmed slightly, the rain started.  February and March rain totals combined at Seattle-Tacoma airport broke a 120 year record.  We were right there with them in Portland.  Now the ice storms have turned to mud slides and flooding.  Whew, we’re ready for spring!  In fact, the daffodils have just now popped out from their hibernation.  Finally. 

With the break in the weather, we were able to take a fantastic load of groceries, household supplies, boots, coffee and medicine to the Nez Perce Tribe in Lapwai, Idaho.  Pastor Antonio Smith and his faithful team from the N.A.M.E. (Native American Missionary Evangelical) church were there to meet us.  To our pleasant surprise there was also a team of students from the Indian Bible College in Flagstaff, Arizona with their director, Dr. Jason Koppen, who were spending their spring break helping on the Reservation.  “Many hands make light work,” proved to be true as the truck was unloaded in record time.  You can see a picture of the whole team on the back of this page.  Dr. Koppen is doing a great work leading this Bible College and training young Native Americans for full-time ministry work. 

The N.A.M.E. church is continuing to shine brightly and helping many Natives to know the love, acceptance and forgiveness of our Heavenly Father and Great Creator. 

Another update…

In our last newsletter we gave you the update and financial report on the rebuilt transmission for one of our trucks.  At that time we were  just a little short of our goal, but you responded generously and we were able to not only pay for the transmission work in full, but also replaced  the exhaust manifolds, alternator, heater blower motor and switch and did a much needed tune-up with oil  & filter, spark plugs, wires, rotor and distributor cap!  Thank you very much!

As a side note, one of my wife’s college friends, from Zion Bible Institute, East Providence, Rhode Island, who receives this monthly newsletter, called and made a very generous gift to help us.  We couldn’t do this work without dear friends who partner with us, “in the fellowship of the Gospel.”  Thank you again and God bless you abundantly. 

Dr. Jason Koppen and students from Indian Bible College, Flagstaff AZ.

Dr. Jason Koppen and students from Indian Bible College, Flagstaff AZ.
